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There’s a place for you to fill,

that no one else can fill


there’s something for you to do,

that no one else can do...

... to BE the best expression of life
you can be

As Plato didn’t say ;-)

Vision and Heart

Both are brilliant in pumping life into all the vital areas to

provide the emotional basis for healthy development.

For us personally as well as for companies.

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Matters of my Heart

My name is Sybille

Today, I call myself an intuitive, a visionary, author, singer-songwriter... an artist and innovative creative human being.

But that wasn’t always the case.

Julia Cameron called people like me in "The artists way" shadow artists.


I grew up in a world where art was only for fun.

Creativity was nothing to strive for, if you wanted to survive.  Better be a lawyer! And I became one. Keeping myself close to artists by choosing areas of intellectual property, Trade Marks, Internet Law and Film.

Art and creativity was called "breadless" and you had to dim yourself down if you didn’t aim to be called out as self-absorbed and "too big for your britches".
I needed a couple of years and a couple of professions to understand that conditioning behaviour.

Then I had an idea and turned one single letter of the "bread" around ;-)

Magically Art & Creativity became "dreadless" ;-)  

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Being led into my own creative process, creating songs from deep within, and allowing healing of trauma to occur through song, showed me the importance of claiming my own unique voice, your stories  and power.

From this moment everything in life became creation and the inspiration is still endless.

I love ideas, human beings, their stories, their visions, their voices, their energies and the endless potential of growth they carry.


I am a visionary, a soundboard, a companion, a guide, a wingwoman on the path of finding and developing the vision of your company, of your self development, your self-expression and heartfelt business communication.


How is your vision today?

Mikrofon Nahaufnahme
On Air Anmelden

My original songs


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Books, Audiobooks

Legends of the Edgewalkers

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A spiritual Heroes Journey into the darkest shadow  and the own potential

Who if not you? When if not now?

What others say about me

Barbara Heumann, CEO, Germany

“My life was quite a journey over the last 15 years - privately and career-wise- when I met Sybille in 2008 [...]
I am glad to have her as a guide by my side, not having any conflict of interest was a true resource that has helped me during difficult times  [...]  Now, after 15 years I am a very happy mom of three, my husband is such a rock in my life, I have just sold my three companies which I have established and raised over the last eleven years successfully to a UK investor who will make the business being the world's number one in our branch [...]
Without Sybille who was there in good and even more importantly bad times, who had an open ear whenever I needed it, and who has put my thoughts in perspective I would probably have not been able to build what I have built [...]
For me it was and still is important to have someone by my side who I can open my heart and my brain too, who has a wealth of experience, does not judge, knows how limiting fear or hesitation can be, and is just a true companion in life.
Violà this is what Sybille is to me. I am grateful I have met her 15 years ago,
it has been an amazing journey ever since then, and I look forward to more years together.
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© Sybille Heyms 2024

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